Results for "时时彩庄闲【】送888元.zsro"

Projects All ( 64 )

Parallect Design

East Tai Lake Himalayan Audio Bookstore 

The design of the space, it carries the culture, civilization and the corresponding environmental factors. —— Mario Bellini East Tai Lake Himala...

Parallect Design

Pine House 

Songlou is located in Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, China's Tao Capital: Yixing. The surrounding natural environment is very superior. It is located...

Superimpose Architecture

Re-Veil Interior 

Superimpose’s main design strategy for the ‘City Expo’ was to investigate the original distinctive elements of the factory and insert minimum archi...

Studio 10

Spatial Design of Long Life Design: Thinking and Practice 2000‒2020 

In the era of "consumerism" we live in, in this fast-growing emerging metropolis, an exhibition called "Long Life Design" seems a bit inopportune y...